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A Dedication

Since October I have been writing again. I was encouraged by my wife Patty, and inspired by my old cohort, Jack Wiler. His blog and poetry stirred things deep within me, and all of a sudden they came pouring out, and I've surprised myself on more than one occasion.
I received Jack's book of poetry, "Fun Being Me", from my sister as a Christmas gift in 2007. I started reading it on Christmas Eve, and I had trouble putting it down. All night long I kept writing poetry in my dreams. I got up earlier than everyone else and wrote down a few of the verses I could still remember.
This one I wrote hoping that Jack and I could meet up again one day.
I offer it up to everyone who attended the reunion and for those of us who didn't.
To all reunions:

I hope
that when we meet again
for the first time these oh so many years
that you'll forgive me
if I cry.

If I cry tears
From deep within a place
I did not know
Was in me.

Tears of joy
For the chance to see and hear you
And turn back time
To be boys again.

Tears of sadness
For all the times we'd missed
And all the care
We could have given.

I hope
That when we meet again
You will smile
Because our friendship
Means more than words,

And you will find a place
Deep inside
You did not know
Was in you.

I hope
That when we part
We will cry again
And hold each other close
For just a moment more.

That we will promise
To meet again
And we will.

I hope.
